Captain Fantastic- The Elton John Quilt Part 2
In honour of Elton’s birthday on March 25th…the story continues...
One thing quilters often get asked is “how long did it take you to make that quilt”? We can’t always give an exact answer because most of us rarely keep track of the time we invest in a quilt. I know I should keep track, but quite frankly, I'm so absorbed in the process and love it so much that I always forget to write it down.
All I can tell you is that Captain Fantastic was made over a 4 month period. It was started at the beginning of July and finished at the end of October 2018 in time for the Twisted Stitchers quilt show at the beginning of November. My hubby and I had our amazing 2 ½ week retirement trip to Paris, London and Bath that September so no sewing was done during that time. During the rest of that time period there were some days when I only worked on it for half an hour and other days for 5 or 6 hours, so as you can see I really can't give an exact answer.
It had been my intention all along that after our quilt show I would send in my application to the Canadian Quilters Association in hopes that Captain Fantastic would be accepted to the National Juried Show the following June. After that, I planned to gift it to Elton John...if he wanted it.
During the quilt show I received some wonderful compliments about my quilt from people attending the show and even won the “Most Innovative” award. But the best news was yet to come...
a close-up of the quilting
Sylvia, from Country Clothesline, was a vendor at the show and was instrumental in the outcome of my story. She sought me out on the first day of the show to compliment me on the quilt and said that she had taken a photo of the quilt and sent it to Daryl from Fabric Spark who she shared a retail space with at that time. Daryl just happens to be friends with David Furnish (Elton John's husband)! Well, I just about fell over thinking that Elton John might actually see the quilt I made in honour of was so surreal.
At the quilt show the next day Sylvia gave me the most incredible news...David had seen the photo of my quilt, said it was amazing and couldn't wait to show it to Elton when he had a break from his tour. Thanks to Sylvia and Daryl for making this ladies are incredible!
Two weeks after the quilt show Daryl contacted me to tell me that Elton and David wanted to buy my quilt! I could not have received a greater compliment, but it was not for was a gift for Elton. So, instead of waiting for the National Juried Show the following June, Captain Fantastic made his way to England in December.
A few weeks later I received the most wonderful hand written thank you note from Elton and an email from David saying that, as a thank you for the quilt, tickets to the Farewell Yellow Brick Road Tour would be available for me in Toronto for October 2019. I had already tried getting tickets for this show, but was unsuccessful, so obviously this was greatly appreciated!
Because I was now going to attend the concert I had to wear something special. My friend, Trudie, was kind enough to machine embroider Farewell Yellow Brick Road on a piece of purple fabric I gave her so I could sew it to the back of my jean jacket and tart it up with crystals. My hubby and I had an amazing time at the concert. Thank you Elton and David for the great tickets and the experience of this spectacular show.
Captain Fantastic x 2
When David sent his email, not only did he notify me of my tickets to the concert, but he also included a photo of Elton with my quilt! Now that it's been a couple of years since this all took place, I look back on this incredible time and it almost feels like it happened to someone else. But then I look at the photo and letter that I have framed and on the wall in my sewing room and I know it's for real. Somebody pinch me...Elton John actually owns my quilt!!!
I truly hope you've enjoyed the story of Captain Fantastic from start to incredible finish, and I hope it will encourage you to take whatever ideas you have in your head and get them out there…because some wonderful things can happen when you do!