My Messy Sewing Room
Star quilt cut segments
For the most part I’m pretty organized and relatively neat. However…for the last few weeks my sewing room has been waaaaay out of control. Some of my friends (yes, including you Trudie!) can’t believe that I can actually be THAT messy. Well, here’s the proof.
It’s probably because I’m working on so many different projects, and they’re all at varying stages, that I don’t put supplies away for one project before starting to get out the supplies for another…and another…and another!
I have two English Paper Piecing projects on the go, so there’s a lot of fussy cutting and Swiss cheese fabric all over my cutting table, Gail gave me two large bags of her scraps that I’m going through and they’re all over my sewing table, I’m gathering up some garment sewing supplies that I no longer use to send to my niece, Mackenzie (along with her and boyfriend’s favourite chocolate bars!), I’m teaching a workshop on the In Control bag for the Twisted Stitchers, my pressing station is the place where I’m gathering up cut segments for another Roundabout Stars quilt, I’m prepping projects for my next retreat in May, and I’m getting ready to do the binding for an incredible quilt for Tracey of Whirls’n’Swirls Quilting. Whew!
I know I’m not the only one who occasionally works this way, but I’m really usually not this bad. Maybe owning up to this disaster with you guys (and the embarrassment that comes with it!) will urge me to just git’r’done. It’s not like I don’t have the time now that I’m retired, there’s just more interesting fun stuff to do than clean up my sewing room. You know, like EPP sewing!
Gail’s scraps and Mackenzie’s stuff
EPP fussy cutting station
My Cherish quilt is coming along nicely with only 5 more blocks to go. This was the one that I worked on so much at the cottage last summer. I’ve also been working on another EPP project using only the diamond shape, fussy cutting the stars and using 3 colourations of the same background fabric. Photos coming soon!
So, like I said, maybe the shame of showing you guys this disaster will light a fire under my butt to clean things up, but then again, I’ll probably just cut out another EPP block, take it with me upstairs and go watch a movie. LOL!
EPP Cherish quilt and star quilt segments (and other stuff!)